Christ Community Church

Idaho Falls, Idaho -

Phone: 2086510978

Christ Community Church in Idaho Falls is a non-denominational, evangelical church in the Intermountain West region of the US. CCC offers 2 service times: 9:15 am & 11:00 am, a fully staffed Children's Sunday School program, a contemporary worship service, biblical preaching and adult Christian Ed. and Discipleship programs throughout the week. Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to a lost world. We do this as we gather for worship to exalt Christ together, grow in our faith through spiritual maturity training, and go into the world--scattering to make disciples of Jesus. We aim to be both missional and attractional in our approach to outreach. Our structure is elder led and staff managed. The Pastoral staff leads and manages the day-to-day affairs and ministries of the church and the pastoral staff is led by the Senior Pastor. The staff is accountable to a generous and humble group of lay elders who each are tasked with ministry oversight assignments. The emphasis of CCC in Idaho Falls is to equip individual believers for the ministry, serving Christ with their spiritual gifts. We aim to break down unnecessary barriers to the Gospel and to build bridges to those who are without God and without hope in the world. Idaho Falls is essentially "base camp" for some of the most spectacular outdoor opportunities. An hour-an hour and a half from gorgeous country in all directions. An ideal community for those who are adventurous and family oriented.